Speakers Bureau in the Northwest
Booking Speakers in Seattle for over 35 years
Seattle Speakers Bureau established 1976

At Seattle Speakers Bureau, You are our client - not the Speaker!

This is a sample list of Northwest Speakers available through Seattle Speakers Bureau.
If there is a particular speaker you have in mind, we can get them for you!

Call us now to discuss your needs: 206-779-5890

Greg Bennick Jean Enersen Ross Shafer
Todd Johnson Helen Thayer Ed Hume
John Keister Jeff Renner Chris Alpine
Silvana Clark Tony Ventrella Chip Hanauer
Glen Hiemstra Vince Lombardi, Jr. John Curley
Dr. Jennifer James Alyce Cornyn-Selby Marilyn Grey
Steve Poole Ciscoe Morris David Horsey
Jim Herbert Jim Cathcart Sunny Kobe Cook
Robert Spector Dan Thurmon George Walther

many, many more...
Call us now: 206-779-5890

Diamon Productions